Richmond Weddings Print & Magazine Ads

In order to get each Richmond Weddings to print by the deadline, I had to jump in where our Freelance Designer couldn’t. Below includes client magazine ads, magazine fillers, and RW branding ads.

Designs were made with Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator.

RW Digital Marketing Ads

Richmond Weddings™ is a bi-annual wedding publication. Each issue is released in conjunction with a Wedding Trade Show, where the magazine is handed out. I was responsible for designing Digital Marketing Ads to run before each show. I worked with Workshop Digital to create campaigns and drive ticket sales.

Designs were created using Adobe Photoshop and Indesign.

Curio Magazine

In 2016, I was the Creative Director for a student-made publication, Curio. As the Creative Director, I designed each spread and worked with writers, photographers, and more to create a cohesive magazine.

Designed using Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

Social Media Images & More

I can pretty much create any sort of image needed for social media, email marketing, and more. It helps me create entire, holistic campaigns from scratch, without having to wait on anyone.

Designs created with Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, and Canva.